Lord Please Deliver Me From Clothesline Religion!

Lord Deliver Me From Clothesline Religion! Salvation is an inside job!How can we send women who wear pants to church to Hell for no other reason, but that? Salvation is truly an inside job. My father in the gospel, the late Bishop Gilbert E. Patterson, makes the case for those sisters who choose to wear pants to church, and he sought to deliver many from Clothesline Religion!

I have posted these excerpts of Bishop Patterson’s Salvation is an Inside Job before. but I feel like many of us are still struggling and preaching clothes, and not character. I am convinced that no woman should wear that which is sultry, but if that is all that she had to wear, she should still be welcomed into the House of Grace. Saints I still believe that Holiness is Right, but we can’t get carried away with many of the pet teachings of old.  The move and the thrust of the Kingdom should not be based on Clothesline Religion in such a time as this!

I Enjoy the Preaching of Bishop Charles E. Blake!

I Enjoy the Preaching of Bishop Charles E. Blake! COGIC Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake is a powerful preacher! He powerfully preaches on unity in this clip!

Shack It Up!

Pastor Patrick Wooden powerfully preaches Shack It Up!

Pastor Wooden is definitely a Holiness Preacher!

Let’s Watch Some Hezekiah Walker From Back in the Day!

Let’s Watch Some Hezekiah Walker From Back in the Day! The way back bug seems to have caught me. Enjoy these clips of Hezekiah Walker and his choir from years back!