Why are Black Preachers So Excited About Senator Barack Obama?

Why are Black Preachers So Excited About Senator Barack Obama? There has been a quite a clamor raised over noted black preachers expressing excitement over the Presidential Prospects of Senator Barack Obama. Charisma Magazine has posted editorials expressing their concern and disdain that Bishop T. D. Jakes, Pastor Kirbyjon Calwell, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, and several other noted black preachers have mentioned to the media that they are excited about the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama. Each of these noted black preachers has done nothing to damage their 501 C-3 status by endorsing Senator Barack Obama. What is the big stink about?

Is it a sin for a black preacher to express noticeable excitement about the prospects of a black man being elected President of the United States? There are many black preachers who are nothing short of astonished that a black man is really this close to being The President of the United States. Should a black preacher be exempt from reveling in this moment as most Black Americans are? Haven’t black preachers gone through many of the same trials that most blacks in America have? Are these black preachers practicing bigotry because someone that looks like them is this close to ascending to the highest office in this land?

I feel like it is quite hypocritical for many in the Christian Media to attack black preachers for being excited about Senator Barack Obama. It would be entirely foolhardy for a group of people that has suffered oppression in this land, to not become excited about noticeable benchmarks of progression. Many of these noted black preachers are still the descendants of slaves. How could anyone deny their right to be excited about this moment in history?

The Religious Right and The Conservative Media are primed to send every black preacher that even acknowledges being excited about Barack Obama to Hell. They will ask how could a black preacher support a man that doesn’t oppose abortion? I will acknowledge that most black preachers oppose abortion, but we also oppose the systemic mistreatment of many in our pews. How can so many in the Religious Right rally around abortion to such a great degree, but turn a deaf ear against crime and poverty in our inner cities?

How can we ardently fight so hard for babies that we can’t see, while we neglect speaking out against policies that so adversely affect the millions of children that live in our inner cities? How can we rally so vehemently about abortion and gay marriage, but say nothing about mean-spirited policies that adversely affect our urban areas? I have no doubt that God opposes abortion, but he also opposes the mistreatment of the poor. As a member of a race that owns 1/2 of 1% of this nation’s wealth, I will boldly state that something is wrong in this nation. It is time for a change in this land!

Are black preachers expecting Senator Barack Obama to be a Saviour of Sorts to Black America? No,we are not as a matter of fact we are not even expecting him to be a scaled down version of Moses either. However; his candidacy is refreshing and an inspiration to so many in our inner city areas. How could we not be excited in this moment? How could we not be excited about seeing a black man marching further than any other black man has? Let us enjoy our moment. Many in The Religious Right will call Senator Obama everything short of the Anti-Christ in the coming General Election. Many black preachers followed The Religious Right’s Rallying Against Gay Marriage and Abortion and supported George Bush in 2004 only to reap one of the worst Presidential tenures ever endured by many of their members.

Yes, it is fair for a black preacher to be excited about the possibilities of a Modern Day Joseph Story playing out before our very eyes. It is not racist to acknowledge the great accomplishment of one’s own. Why is it that black preachers can’t stand up for policies that greatly affect their own communities? Are black preachers shallow because we don’t share the same viewpoint as The Religious Right that God is a Republican? Black Preachers are excited about this moment in time. Don’t attack us for appreciating great strides made by one of our own!

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Stephen F. Smith

Senator Barack Obama Speaks to African-American Fathers on Father’s Day!

Senator Barack Obama Speaks to African-American Fathers on Father’s Day!  Senator Barack Obama addressed the congregation at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago, IL on Father’s Day, June 15, 2008.

Senator Barack Obama’s Victory Speech!

Senator Barack Obama’s historic victory has given many Americans a reason to never stop believing in their dreams! My grandparents would have loved to see the day where a black man is The Democratic Nominee for the Presidency of The United States! Senator Obama’s victory will prayerfully inspire many young black men to work even harder on accomplishing their dreams! This goes to show that we shouldn’t let anyone limit our dreams!

The Muzzling of Black Preachers is Bound to Fail!

This is my Letter to the Editor of The Commercial Appeal that was published in Early May! I grew so tired of reading so many hate-filled comments by some of the readers of this paper about Senator Barack Obama, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Many of these people who commented also wanted to give African-American Churches a virtual instruction manual on how and what black preachers can preach about. In response to some of these seething comments, I submitted this letter to the daily newspaper in Memphis,Tennessee!

Muzzling of preachers bound to fail

There are so many self-righteous people who are commenting in nearly every media outlet available about Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and other black preachers who speak out against injustice in our land. The assault on this type of black preacher since then has been incredible.

This whole thing started as a way to lessen what was perceived as the unstoppable presidential campaign of Barack Obama, but has gotten ridiculous since then. A black preacher better not speak out against the systems that be, or he or she will be portrayed as being divisive and un-American.

I have the following questions to pose to those who have attacked the right of black preachers to speak out against injustice. Where were your good mainstream Christian churches when slavery was an institution? Some of your churches are old enough to have been in existence then. How were your churches silent then?

Should an oppressed people have the same mindset as the majority culture? Were the original black preachers in this land wrong for praying for the emancipation of all slaves, while the majority culture’s preachers were praying earnestly for a healthy new crop of slaves?

While American pulpits and choir stands have proclaimed that God is love for hundreds of years, systemic and institutional racism has prevailed in our nation and our churches.

While the slave owners studied the Holy Writ, they brutally assaulted many of the initial African-American slaves. Were there prayer meetings before lynchings? Were there revivals before slave auctions?

Why was the mainstream church silent for so long on such a horrible practice as slavery? The black church was basically all that people of color possessed.

Should Moses have repented for having asked Pharaoh to let his people go? Let’s see, black preachers should just preach about love, and not speak out against oppression and racism?

Many in the mainstream culture are straining at the gnat of Wright’s speeches while swallowing the whole camel of condescension and racism.

Stephen F. Smith

Pastor, Sure House Church, Inc. Collierville

Watch Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Speech at the NAACP Dinner in Detroit!

Watch Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Speech at the NAACP Dinner in Detroit! Now this message is not in a church setting, but I decided to post this because I feel like Rev. Wright has been maligned by the tremendous unfair spin of the traditional media outlets. Throughout the annals of history, God has always called men to Speak Truth to Power! I don’t agree with his use of some language in the pulpit, but I do agree with his speaking Truth to Power! This doesn’t sound like a hate speech to me!

Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Sermon is Put in Context!

Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Sermon is Put in Context!

Pastor James Manning Calls Senator Barack Obama a Trashy Pimp!

Pastor James Manning Calls Senator Barack Obama a Trashy Pimp! This is totally unbelievable! How is it that the media can always trot out an African-American that comes up with some wild revelation to bash another African-American?