Let’s Pray for the Tennessee’s Tornado Victims and the Loved Ones of Tennessee’s Super Tuesday Tornado Victims!

Preach Stephen.Com is solicting prayer for the Tennessee’s Tornado Victims and the Loved Ones of Tennessee’s Super Tuesday Tornado Victims! While the rest of America was enjoying the Super Tuesday exploits of their presidential candidates namely, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Hilary Clinton, or Senator John McCain, many of the residents of Tennessee had a Super Tuesday that they will not forget anytime soon! The Memphis and Jackson Tennessee areas were hit by a series of tornados that caused loss of life and unbelievable damage in it’s wake.

There are parts of The Hickory Hill Area in Memphis,Tennessee, and the Campus of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee that looks like a war zone! These tornados did so much damage in one part of Memphis that it will threaten the economic infrastructure of the already blighted Hickory Hill area in the city.

Our prayers go out to the victims of these storms and to the families of those who have lost their lives! Material things can be replaced, and after a while one can simply learn to live without some of the trinkets that one may have lost in a horrible storm like this, but nothing surpasses loss of life in this realm. It is our prayer that the prepared people who lost their lives on this week are enjoying the place that God has richly prepared for them.

We will post some video clips others have made about the tornados that hit our city, and eventually some of our own photos of the sheer devastation that these storms caused. In the meantime, we are posting a video of God Has Not Forgot. He doesn’t forget us in times like these, and it’s in times like these that we find out just how awesome our God is! Watch the first video before watching the proceeding video clips of the damage caused by these tornados!

Rev. Otis Moss Speaks Out on E-Mail Lies About Senator Barack Obama!

The Rev. Otis Moss Speaks Out on E-Mail Lies About Senator Barack Obama! He affirms his belief that the Obamas are christians, despite the many unconfirmed e-mails that state otherwise. Rev. Moss is the incoming Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, he will succeed Rev. Jeremiah Wright this month. Pastor Moss affirms without a doubt that the Obamas are not Muslims!