Walking By Faith in Turbulent Times!

Walking By Faith in Turbulent Times! Child of God, I wholeheartedly believe that this is the time that many of us should be walking by faith as no other time before. While so many in this age are walking by the ways and modes of this world’s systems, we must be among the remnant that will walk by the precepts of God’s Word. In this day where so many who once believed are all over the place, are you one of those who are bold to truly walk by faith? Are you one that will take the Bible as the final authority on the issues of life?

I am bold enough to state that I believe that the Bible is Right, and much of what is going on in the world is wrong. This is a day where so many are preaching to those who have itching ears. One can find someone preaching nearly anything under the sun in this day. I have the resolve to follow the Word of God no matter how many may be heading in another direction. Has knowledge puffed up so many of us that we are slow to receive God’s word?

We need preachers that will preach the unadulterated word of God when it is in season, and out of season. While so many of us are caught up in the speaking of truth to power, are as many as committed to following the Word of God? Should we listen and take our modes of living from the Dr. Phil’s, Tom Joyner’s, Steve Harvey’s, or Oprah Winfrey’s of our day, or should we heed the Word of God? Why is there such a rush to make the Word so non-threatening in this day?

Why are so many seeking to tailor-make the Word of God to fit their lifestyles that are out of agreement with the Word of God? Do many in the world know that it’s not what you see that counts? One’s not seeing how one will make it, is often one of the first steps to a major faith walk. Will we have access to mountain moving faith in these turbulent times, or will we let the mountains of this day move our faith? Do many of us still believe that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us?

Do we still believe the impossible is possible? Are we still looking for the miraculous? Are we bold enough to really walk by faith in these turbulent times? Will we do what God says? Can we adjust our ways because God’s word commands it? Let’s resolve to walk by the Word of God and use it and only it as our guide in a day where so many have lost the way. Our God’s word will not return unto him void, every word that he has ever spoke will come to pass.

We simply serve a God that is a supplier and not a liar! Should we heed the daily news, when God’s word has proven to be a trusty guide for thousands of years? The Bible beats every scoop of the 24/7 instant news media world that we live in. One should approach each day knowing that the Bible is the one and only method of reading tomorrow’s news on today.  Let God’s word be a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. What are you hearing on a daily basis? Are you hearing the Word of God, or are you hearing the doom and gloom of this world’s media outlets?

Mountain Moving Faith can be yours! The Faith that can remove any obstacle can be yours, but that type of faith will come from hearing the word of God. The Word of God is the faith food that you will need to consume on a daily basis to meet the many challenges of this day. There is a realm of Faith that exists where one looks upon God as a right now God even when one seems like one is tangling with the very shadows of death itself. I am what God says I am! I can do what God says I can do!

I can have what God says that I can have! The word of God is the greatest source of empowerment of all time. Don’t leave home without the Word, for it is with it that we can face the turbulent times that we live in with faith!

Respectfully Submitted,
Pastor Stephen F. Smith