Colorado Church Shootings!

The Colorado Church Shootings are just a reminder that many of our churches are in need of increased security!

Church Security Solutions?

What are we to do about Church Security? For the second time in about a month, there’s been a despicable crime carried out in one of our churches. American Churches are now having to come up with adequate church security solutions. The initial incident revolved around a Pastor’s Wife being cut during worship service with a boxcutter and requiring over 2000 stiches. The following story chronicles the murder of 3 individuals during a Worship Service in Missouri! Let’s get a grip and start brainstorming about adequate church security solutions!

News Story-3 Killed in Missouri Church

Pastor’s Wife Cut With Boxcutter by Member!

For all of those who feel like armorbearers and church security are overkill, the following link will affirm that there is a definite need for security and armorbearers in our churches. Particularly when any Pastor’s Wife has to receive over 2,000 stitches from being cut with a boxcutter by a member. Preach Stephen.Com solicits prayer for the victim, her husband, and the entire church! Protect your First Ladies!

Eur web.Com Story-This is Disgusting!

New York Daily News Article

New York Times Article