Kierra Sheard is Gifted!

Kierra Sheard is Gifted! This young lady will go very far in the world of gospel music if she stays on the path!

Everyone Has a Chance For Success!

Everyone Has a Chance For Success! Max Steingart gives us this rousingĀ  word for the new year!

Trusting in Jesus!

The Late Mattie Moss Clark presented Esther Smith & The Voices Of Deliverance in this clip from many years back. They are singing, “Trusting In Jesus”, in this clip!

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow!

Nichole Jackson sings I Know Who Holds Tomorrow!

Why are so many of us limited by fear? The Bible says Fear Not some 365 times throughout The Holy Writ! That’s one Fear Not for every day of 2009! Don’t worry about tomorrow, for it is already in the hands of our loving Heavenly Father!

There is No Time to Lose! I Wanna Be Ready When Jesus Comes!

There is No Time to Lose! I Wanna Be Ready When Jesus Comes! Pastor Andrae Crouch reminds us that we have no time to lose, if we are going to be ready when Jesus comes!

Jesus is coming back real soon! Will you be ready?

He Will!

Pastor Dennis Martin powerfully preaches,” He Will”, in this 2008 watch night message!

Preach Dennis Preach!

Living This Kind of Life!

Rev. Andrae Crouch sings Living This Kind of Life! This was a great gospel hit from yesteryear!