What are You Hearing in This Hour?

This video by Bishop Veron Ashe chronicles what he is hearing for this hour for the church. It is quite insightful and it gives a take on the church of today. What do you think?

42 Responses

  1. Dear Brother:

    I believe this vodeo is at least 2+ years old. Although all truth is universal and profitable, this is NOT what Veron Ashe is hearing for the Body of Christ today. Please pray for the gift that God has placed inside of this man, so he can return to ministry and share with us what God has been showing him since he “retired” from ministry.

  2. I am sorry to hear that. Yet, I can understand his sentiments during this video clip. While the messenger may be struggling, I am still supporting his message on this video clip!

  3. Thank you for your honest love and compassion. Please continue to pray and lift him up before the Lord. We, the Body of Christ need him (Archbishop Veron Ashe – Mar Enoch) back in position and whole – spirit, soul and body. His message is unquestionable the echo of the voice of the Father and posseses the potential of transforming generations.

  4. Did Bishop Veron Ashe really retire? I have been looking for him, is that true?

  5. I don’t know at this time. When I find out about Bishop Ashe’s status I will post it here.

  6. The word retire has several meanings. I am enclosing some of them. “Withdrawal from one’s occupation, business, or office. Withdrawal into privacy or seclusion.
    A place of privacy or seclusion;…” Please take my comment within the context and meaning explained above. The withdrawal from one’s occupation..office…can be temporary or permanent. Like it happens with ALL members of the Body of Christ, our destinies are in the hands of our God. I am not stating with my comment that Archbishop Veron Ashe is not ministering ever again or had gone into another line of work. I simply stated that as you are aware by your own comment, currently he is not “publicly” functioning as an Apostle and Father to the Church, that he has chosen seclusion. I also expressed that as members of his spiritual “family” we all miss him and should pray that soon we may see God using him with wisdom and demonstrative power. SELAH.

  7. I have witnessed Arch Bishop Veron Ashe preach a 7 day revial in Sacramento, CA. He was in his early twenties back then, it was by far the most powerful demostration of the power of God I have ever seen…Then for one night in Stockton, CA. 2002 was the year……He had become an Arch Bishop by then…..He was still just as annoited if not more….I am sorry to hear he retired ? Does not make sense to me how a man of God could retire with such a high calling and still yet at a very young age. I have also heard rumors he was sick. Your page is the most up to date info on Bishop I have found to date…..I think he somwhere is seclusion praying and seeking a dynamic end time revial word from God…I continue to pray for this man of God. Please post any updates. God bless your ministry….


  8. Tonight our Pastor asked us to pray for Bishop Ashe from what I understand he is battling Colon Cancer. Based on my Pastor’s urgency i believe that he is very ill. I know that he is currently in the hospital. I urge everyone to pray for the healing that we know that God can bring to his life. It is so hard to have such a great annointing and live in this world. He will be healed join me in my prayers…

  9. I don’t know the status of Bishop Ashe, but I’ll continue to pray for him also. All I know is that when Iheard him preach it was a breath of fresh air. It was liek a mixture of the word with power, How God intended it. Schaolatic yet able to relate to it. He quickly became a favorite of mine, because I like to think and he casued me to do that at times. Does any one know where we can get resources of his messages? Along with Bishop Jakes he’s tops. I would love to hear a conversation between him and Noel Jones, talkabout get your dictionary out …

  10. Has anyone found out more concerning bishop veron ashe’s health status?Please remember we need to keep him up lifted before the Lord as well as other men and women of God!

  11. I have been searching the WWW earnestly for the past two weeks looking for info or ministry items by the Archbishop, thinking it for one reason but only today finding out why.

    This is a remarkable, powerfully anointed vessel of the Most High truly and we do need to pray that the health of God be upon him because there is a Word–The Word in his mouth and it has to be released. The Bishop said it best himself when he quoted the scripture about how the word of God pursued Joseph until it had overtaken him and became fulfilled. While he is battling this physical issue, there is need for prayer concerning his mental fortitude as well. We must send forth the exacting prayers for his wholeness in God to be restored. While we are praying for him remember to consider the other frontrunners of the Gospel of Jesus in your prayers as well, including yourselves. Yours in Kingdom Advancement

  12. I too love and miss Bishop Ashe tremendously. I pray also according to the will of our Father in Heaven that those around him will soon let us know what’s going on with him. If anyone close around him see this message, please tell him that we love him very much and we are praying for him. Also tell him we thank our Lord Jesus Christ for him, for all he has done and all that he will do! May the blessings, peace, and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ be with Arch Bishop Veron Ashe and those around him this day 7/20/07

  13. Does anyone know how to get other teaching tapes or videos of Archbishop Veron Ashe, please send me the address? Any news yet about his well-being?



  14. I have a set of tapes from July 31, 1998 when he spoke at our church. I pulled them out yesterday and started listening to them. I began to search the www for update CD/dvd’s and came across this information. I am sad to here that his health is under attack. I know God is a healer and I am praying for this man of God. I have never heard anyone minister like him in my life.
    Please update with is health status.

  15. Hi:

    I found information regarding Archbishop Veron Ash that is a year old but very serious. Please read, aslo; here is the link to this message and a place to purchase dvd\cd.


    Emergent news update from SuccessInGod ministry. News on Archbis Date: 03 June 2006

    News Summary:

    The most recent information on Veron Ashe (Mar Enoch). URGENT and IMPORTANT!

    News Content:

    For quite a long time I have had it on my heart to engage all of you our dearest friends in prayer for Archbishop Veron Ashe (Mar Enoch) and the only thing that stopped me was the lack of actual information as to what is really going on there. Last few days we’ve been getting some bits of information not directly from his ministry, yet from reliable sources and so I won’t hesitate no more and will let you know how to pray.

    Since his first sermon on TBN (What Happens In Between When God Speaks and When God Does and Prerequisites For God’s Presence) he was invited to speak everywhere almost 24/7 and we could say he had never had any day off for 4 or 5 years.

    Last time we have met with him, he said that in a Spring of 2005 God told him to cancel all the speaking arrangements for the whole year and called him for the year of Silence as for preaching.

    That was in August of 2005 and Veron has mentioned that some of the people whose invitation Ashe canceled did not received well the fact, that Ashe was obedient to God’s voice. During the whole year God allowed Enoch to speak only at two conferences, one sermon on each one.

    Few days ago people, who we know to be in the inner circle of Veron, confirmed to me that the year of silence was over. Yet still as for now we are the only web-site where his sermons are offered. Both sites of Veron are down. He doesn’t reply to my emails and phone calls.

    And finally toady we have heard from them, that Archbishop Veron Ashe (Mar Enoch) is very ill and is in the hospital. As for now we don’t know what the illness is or what hospital he’s in. the only thing we know is that his condition is very bad.

    I dare you to pray to God for this wonderful man of God. Pray the way Lord will lead you based on what you do know about the situation now.

    As much as we can we will keep you informed on the situation.

    Thank you,

    Victor Bozhenko

    SuccessInGod ministry

    Article Statistics:

    Current Reviews: 3

  16. I miss Archbishop Ashe dearly and I’m constantly praying that God will fully restore him. He is a needed vessel in this day of Christianity….Archbishop, we love you and we are awaiting your return to public ministry

  17. The spiritual food which Archbishop Ashe faithfully fed us is still filling my soul and my spirit even till today. I miss Bishop Ashe greatly and search for his anointing but cannot find it, his genuiness, and his sense of humor. E-D-D-I-E. That spells Eddie!!!! I want to know that he is well. I don’t want him to feel pressured to come back to us. Just to get better. When I think about Archbishop Ashe I think about how God never told Israel where He himself buried Moses. That fact is Archbishop Ashe, I think, would like us to continue where he left off trusting that the the saints are well equipped. Besides, he did feed us solids and not milk. I can testify that my faith has grown with his teachings and that my foundation turn from sand to rock. Bishop Ashe if you are reading THANK YOU. Just let us know how you’re doing. Can we bear some of the burden with you? You gave so much. It was not in vain. Some of the seeds still fell on good soil.

    Carmen, Newark, NJ

  18. Thank God for the internet and pastor smith this service is so appreciated i have been looking for any thing Bishop ashe only to land on this site while its tempting to feel bad about this whole situation lets consider that all things work for good for those who love God and we know our bishop loves God. Count me among those to start lifting the man of God in prayer nad you pastor smith thank you again for this service.


  19. Please let me hear about the Bishop and how I can get his tapes

  20. I had the wonderful oppurtunity to fellowship with one of Archbishop Ashe’s colleagues, Archbishop Gregory Schell. As of now Archbishop Ashe is ill, as we all know, but is recovering by the Grace of God. He is in fact in solitude, and is “STILL” an Archbishop and Modern day Apostle, however he is at this time not active. Once again pray for his health more so then his return to Preaching. it is better to have a man of great wisdom around, then to only have a memory of him left behind.

    God Bless,
    Joshua Gregory+




  22. Aloha from Hawaii,
    I’m saddened to hear of Archbishop Veron Ashe illness. For some reason the LORD had put him on my heart today, and here I discovered this news. I heard this powerful man of GOD preach on the island of Oahu in 2003 and was blown away by the GOD given revelation that he has of the word GOD. I pray that our GOD will continue to heal him and restore him seven fold, for what the enemy ment for bad, GOD is going to turn it arond for HIS glory!! We will continue to lift Archbishop Ashe up in prayer and look forward to hearing all the wonderful testimonies. Please keep us posted.
    By GOD’S grace,
    Kuuleimomi T. Emmsley

  23. Greetings all brothers&sisters in Christ!

    Veron Ashe complectely healed from illness!! He witnessed it in the middle of Desember! Praise God!


    It’s news on russian language from one of his closest friends

    Blessings to all

  24. Dear brother Ashe! Parise the Lord Jesus Christ for your healing for He is the Healer of our spirits, souls and bodies! Amen. I’m from Azerbaijan, Baku. God gave me a chance to download your sermons [this is such a great blessings for me and the churches of Azerbaijan] from the russian christian website http://www.lifecity.tv. I copied your sermons in video format and apread them among the believers. they were so touched by God through these sermons. Thank you very much. May aboundant richness of Jesus the Christ come into your life. here is my email: ramin_teyyubov@yahoo.com. If i can do for you something that i could do i’d be happy.

    all my friends sends you great and huge greetings from their hearts. we love you precious Mar Enoch Ashe. Amen and Amen!
    in Him,

  25. I am so happy to hear others concerned about Bishop Ashe. I went to Imago Dei Church in Denver Colorado and he would teach every summer. I have felt lost and I have an ear to hear but no one to to edify me. I have been to other Churhes but leave feeling empty. I pray that Bishop will have a word for everyone in all he has been through. I look foward to it. Gina Ibarra Flagstaff Arizona.

  26. Praise the Lord Believers,

    I received this email from Success In Gods site directly 3/308 however the email itself is dated 2/23.08, and the enclosed is supposed to be from Arch Bishop Veron Ashe… requesting our prayers. I love this man of God, for he has been a blessing to me from 1st sight in the early 1990’s. I was newly saved, and he told his testimony. I was more determined to part with anything to keep my faith and walk in the Lord in tact. I am posting this for the purposes of Prayer, and since many like myself are anxiously awaiting more Preaching Teaching and Revelation from this Man of God, We need to Pray for he Healing and complete deliverance from this illness…
    His Servant, Your Sister,

    From: archbishop

    Date: Feb 23, 2008 5:46 PM

    Subject: Please pray for me


    I have recently been admitted to the hospital for the same medical condition that took me off the evangelistic field 3 years ago Mega Toxic Colon. They want to do major surgery, But I am asking for your prayers for me that the doctors will be able to find another way to treat it. I am in Orlando Regional -South Seminole Hospital. Please remember me in your prayers.

    In humble Thanks
    Bishop Veron Ashe

  27. Bishop,
    The moment I saw your posting to this blog I went into prayer for you. I’m believing God for your supernatural healing in this moment in time. Even now I decree and declare you are healed in Jesus name for His name sake.
    Be Encouraged!!! It Ain’t Over!!! His hand is on you!!

  28. I will continue to pray for you Bishop. Your life and sincere love of Jesus touched me and changed my life. Your courage is inspiring- the courage to preach the uncompromising truth and the courage to stand in the face of hardship. Please continue to update us. We all love you.

  29. No minister has had such a profound affect on my life. I had the honor of meeting him once at his request, and he prayed for me at a time my life was at a crossroads… It was a moment in time I will never forget for the rest of my life. He has been like a distant father to me. I await his return even subconsciously…

  30. Bishop Veron Ashe is the guest speaker at my church this Sunday. So I will let you know on Monday what is the staus.

  31. As I posted on last week. He was scheduled to preach at my church this Sunday. He did and it was absolutely awesome. He is in great need of prayer. He has been attacked in every way aman can be. He is the modern day Job. He lost everything financially through embezzlement. He is fighting colon cancer, and some other horrible disease that the Doctor says if he does not get surgery he will die. He has been rejected by his organization. But yet he was able to give a powerful word.a word that changed everyone that heard it. It was quite obvious that He was beyond hurt and alittle bitter about what he has been through in the last 3 years. However, he is going to walk it out.

  32. Hello faithworkr can you tell how I can get a copy of his message. I heard about 4 years ago and he awesome.

  33. Hi Faithworkr I would also like to get a copy of this message, can you tell me how?

  34. Hello Faithworkr,

    Can you please tell me how to get a copy of Bishop’s Ashe message preached at your Church?

    I would greatly appreciate it.

    God Bless!


  35. Praise God,
    My precious brother in the faith, even in your testing you are yet encouraging the saints. Sometimes even when you KNOW the word it can be hard. But God yet want us to TRUST HIM!!!!!!!!

  36. Thank you, faithworker for your update on our precious brother mar enoch
    I dont know much about the ministry of The Archbishop’s ministry but the few
    sermons that I have heard in the early 2000,s has inspired and kept me.
    I hope to also enquire of the sermon & testimony he gave at your church

  37. Is it possible to get the latest sermon of bp. Ashe? I could understand the rejection he could have from the organization, for I suffered the same things here in Poland. pastor from Warsaw.

  38. I have two sermons preached by Bishop Ashe this year. One is entitled And Thy Gates Shall Be Called Praise (May 2008) and the other one is entitled Walk It Out (March 2008). The Walk IT Out CD is incomplete as the ministry only sent me one of the two CD’s. Nevertheless, if anyone is interested in obtaining copies you can contact me at icpeele@aol.com. I am in the process of trying to obtain more. Once I do, I will post a note here. Thanks

  39. I have a posted two short snippets (7 minutes and 8 minutes) of video of Bishop Ashe preaching in Orlando in May of this year. The videos are on Youtube.

  40. I have heard about the dilema Apb has been facing and continue to pray to God to Cover, Heal, Deliver and completely Restore.

    God has Apb in retreat for a reason and a season .

    I have had the opportunity to see a few snippets of
    Jesus a sign, Thy Gates and Walk it out..

    If we were in right standing with the Lord and had the ability to understand what God is saying in these difficult times we would remember God is Love and NOT reject.

    If you are one of the few that Slander, Envy or have a problem with jealousy – Give it to God and Get over it –

    God Loves this man –

  41. Hello everyone,

    Since my last post, I have shut down my You Tube account. With this, past video snippets uploaded by me cannot be viewed. I do plan to set up the account again in the near future. However, in the meantime, I have acquired about 15 messages in their entirety of Archbishop Ashe preaching. These messages date back from as far as 2001 to as current as March 2009. For those who are interested, please feel free to contact me at icpeele@aol.com.

    Be blessed!

  42. Bishop is alive and doing well today. He was at Pastor Jamal Bryant this week.

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