Here are the COGIC Election Results!

Here are the COGIC Election Results! Here are the Election Results From the 101st Holy Convocation of The Church of God in Christ, Inc.!

Presiding Bishop: Charles E. Blake

General Board:

Charles E. Blake
Phillip A. Brooks
Jerry W. Macklin
George D. McKinney
Sedgwick Daniels (new member)
Wilbur W. Hamilton
Roy L. H. Winbush
Frank O. White (new member)
Chandler D. Owens
Nathaniel W. Wells
J. Neaul Haynes
Samuel L. Green

General Secretary: Joel Harley Lyles

Treasurer: Samual Leon Lowe

Financial Secretary: Frank Anthone White

Trustee Board:

Sylvia Law
Charles M. Ford
Brandon Porter
Charles H. M. Patterson
Dickerson L. S. Wells
Mildred Linzy
Josephus Shepherd
Amos Smith
Dwight Green
Cari Valita Barnes
William T. Cahoon
Dwight Walls
Georgia M. Lowe
Joseph Chase
David A. Hall, Jr.

For those of you that want official figures here they are!

Official 2008 COGIC Election Vote Count

12 Responses

  1. Thank for posting the list, but do you have the complete with there totals

  2. Do you have the number of votes that each bishop and trustee received

  3. I don’t have those numbers at current, besides I would have to pray before posting it because some candidates didn’t do so well!

  4. I will not post any derogatory comments about any of the candidates that ran, so please don’t send them!

  5. Un huh! Just as I suspected. I knew you would protect Maynard.

  6. OK, Albama the figures are now posted via a link online! I will not allow the bashing of any one, especially the Bishop who was kind enough to offer me the invitation to speak for him at his church. Growing up I wasn’t the type to eat folks food, and then talk about them. Have I agreed with Bishop Maynard on everything, no I have not! Yet I have maintained the respect I have for him as a leader in the faith that’s already been where I am still trying to go! I am sorry that’s just how I am!

  7. I hear what you are saying, but just because someone invites you to preach, you cant call wrong wrong? But oh well,

    Bishop Blake is the man of the HOUR!!!!! (4 years). The Lord his going to show himself strong through him. He will not be unseated. To much pull from California.

  8. Did I not preface my statements to say that I haven’t agreed with Bishop Maynard on everything! I respect Bishop Maynard as a Father in the Faith, and just in case you are counting him out and leaving him for dead, I have seen him rise time after time! Let’s stay prayerful we are all supposed to be on the same team! I would agree that it is now Bishop Blake’s hour! How many clips of him preaching do I have on this site? He is one of the great thinkers in Christiandom! As for your California point, Bishop Blake had to draw people from much more than California to win as convincingly as he did!

  9. I stand with Bishop Maynard. I come from Tennessee Fourth, Alabama First, and now California Third. Bishop Maynard, even Bishop Meadows, Bishop Watts and of course Bishop Blake are highly respected throughout the Brotherhood.
    Bishop Maynard was one who has risen from seemingly obscurity to prominence and blessings. That’s the hope that he gives his people. I’ve visited Bishop Maynards church on many occasions. His messages and mannerisms are First Class. He and His family serves Nashville Tennessee well.

    Bishop Blake is a great leader. I’ve been to West Angles several times and the work that Bishop Blake does is remarkable. These men are not promoted to Bishop for nothing. They do a great work. So really it does not truly matter about the outcome of the election on today for it could be a set up for Bishop Maynards and COGIC’s future. No to compare but do you remember the election of 2000 and how well things ran for Obama in 2008?

    Hence it takes small talk and even smaller minds to put any one of these men down.

    Pastor Stephens I remember you at Temple of Deliverance. You’ve ALWAYS carried yourself with HONOR. Keep up the good work.

  10. I believe the General Assembly did well with their decision making! Of course only 12 can make it and so many more than that actually ran, you wish it was space for everyone but that simply isn’t the case. I believe Bishop Blake and the 11 men backing him up will lead this church to greater heights! I am already pleased with the new wave of technology COGIC has embraced including the newly designed COGIC.COM and the COGIC Today Broadcast. I hope they move the COGIC Videos ordering page onto the main page of and make it easier navigating and ordering.

    I am excited to see who Bishop Blake puts in key cabinet positions and department heads. I believe we should find out around January(leadership conference)…

    p.s JUDY MAC for Min. of Music!!!

  11. Yes the COGIC is moving and the services at West Angeles are receiving a special anointing and power no more than ever. Bishop Blake is leading this church well. Bishop Blake is a World-Class leader and it will show in the way that COGIC functions. COGIC will soon become recognized as a leader in reaching out to this World and making a positive difference in the lives of God’s people EXPECT EXPONENTIAL GROWTH !!!!!

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