Is the Black Church Still an Agent of Change?

The Black Church has always been an agent of change in the Black community. Many of the strides that we have made as a people has come from the power of the black Church. Many of our institutions of higher learning, our politicians, our entertainers, and our civil rights movements all had their genesis in the Black Church. The Black Church has been the one institution in the Black Community that has weathered the storms of racial inequality, prejudice, socioeconomic ills, and the harsh winds of racial hatred. I applaud the Black Church yet I am concerned about the new waves that are coming through our churches. In our attempt to do what others are doing, we are now adopting the styles and methods of the seeker sensitive churches. Perphaps, the Purpose Driven Agenda doesn’t mesh with all the churches of our community and our demographic. Every church in the black community has not been called to be a megachurch. I am not megachurch bashing for I am a product of a megachurch. Yet, I feel like the bigger is better movement has swept the Black Church. Sure, God wants all of our houses of worship full, but I don’t believe that he would agree with all of our methods. If an evangelist preaches a hard word against sin, he will not be one of the most sought after conference speakers around. We all want to hear how we are going to be blessed. I wholeheartedly believe that God wants his children to be blessed, but not at the cost of us running after other Gods. The god of mammon has permeated the black church to the extent that we will spend 45 minutes on an offering that was preceded by a 2 minute Altar Call. Where are we going? Have we all been lulled into complacency and a self satisfied slumber? Are we at ease in Zion? What can we do in order to get the Black Church, the Church that I love and cherish back to it’s place as the premier agent of change in the Black Community? Would we need to march and picket as much, if more of us would get on our knees and pray?

Guest Columnist,

Pastor Stephen F. Smith

Sure House Church, Inc.

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