Say a Word Rev. Reggie!

Say a Word Rev. Reggie! Rev. Reggie Sharpe gives us this tribute to the African Americans in our nation!

This young man is so inspiring!

For All of Those Who Say that the Black Church Doesn’t Do Anything for the Community!

For all of those who say and think that the Black Church doesn’t do enough about the problems that beset African Americans in our inner cities, COGIC Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Announces The Pan African Summit! Bishop Blake’s thoughts on this matter are expressed below with a web link to a video feed from Bishop Blake!

COGIC Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Announces The Pan African Summit!

View Video Addres of Bishop Charles E. Blake by Clicking Here

Read the Official Press Release by The Church of God in Christ, Inc. on The Pan African Summit

Commercial Appeal News Story on The Pan African Summit

What is Happening to the Hearts of Men?

There has been two heinous crimes that have been committed in the Memphis Metropolitan Area in recent days. I am flabbergasted at how horrible each of these incidents were. The incidents that I am referencing are two murders that seem like something from a Stephen King Movie. I am enclosing a video clip from the Associated Press on the first of these horrible acts. It depicts how a black female was found decapitated and had her hands and feet removed from her body. Decapitations and the Dismemberment of one’s limbs should be relegated to the movies on the Sci-Fi Network Only!

How can one’s so called boyfriend (& Baby’s Daddy) get that mad to not only take your life, but also dismember you? He is innocent until proven guilty, but I can’t understand this one. The second incident with attached web links from The Commercial Appeal, and WMC TV denotes the brutal killings of 6 people in a house on Lester Street in Memphis, Tennessee. Four adults were killed and two children, while 3 other children are fighting for their lives in the hospital. The children’s ages were 9, 5, 4, 2, and 2 months old. Who kills children? One of the kids was discovered with a knife protruding from his head, while another had several fingertips cut off. The crime scene was described as horrific. Who harms a 2 month old? Isn’t it even an unwritten rule of the streets to leave kids alone?

We are definitely living in the days foretold of in St Matthew 24:12-Where it states that and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. It takes a cold person to commit either of these acts. Are we living in such a day of iniquity that awful occurrences like these will be commonplace? All of the accused and the victims “so far” in each of these incidents are African-Americans. Come on Family, African-Americans didn’t use to commit crimes like this. I love my people, and I am proud of my heritage. However; it is events like these that makes me wonder how many African-Americans are departing from the values of old.

The Holy Writ states that he who endures unto the end shall be saved. We are seeing events like these which were foretold of thousands of years ago coming to pass on a daily basis. When will the church rise up and boldly tell the world about a Risen Savior that is soon to return? We have preached the Gospel of Prosperity for long enough, let’s preach the Good News of God’s Desire to Save a Dying World From Sin! It’s time for the church to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and not to the end of your 3rd church location.

The Battle of the Ages is not in the Pews of our churches, but in the streets of our cities. Let’s get about the business of the Kingdom for the Lord’s return is a lot closer than when we first believed. Have we been so desensitized that killings like these wouldn’t mobilize an army of God’s Folk? Where is the outrage and the public outcry? Is this business as usual? Let’s Pray that it is not!

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Stephen F. Smith

Sure House Church, Inc.

Commercial Appeal Coverage of Lester Street Murders

WMC TV Coverage of Lester Street Murders

You Might Have Been Black in the Day

It is Black History Month and across this land many people will celebrate the lives, and contributions of many great African Americans. My mind only has to race back some 30-35 years to remember some of the great experiences that I had in growing up Black. Yes, most of us grew up poor, but we had such good times then. This post is for the 40+ Crowd, please allow me to take you back down memory lane in your typical black neighborhood of the early seventies. Do you remember these? Send me any of your suggestions and I will add them. If you can say answer yes to remebering at least 10 of these then you have passed the You Might Be Black in the Day Quiz!

Disclaimer-I am highly cognizant that Black History Month is a lot more important than this silly post. I only posted this because I thought that it would bring back great memories, and multiple smiles to the Black and 40+ Crowd that many of us now belong to!

You might be Black in the Day if You Remember………………

Playing paper football on the desks at school

Playing SOS, Hangman, and Tic Tac Toe
Andrae Crouch

Everyone’s Grandmother Stayed With Them

When your pastor didn’t have 8-10 armorbearers

Waiting on the church bus to pick you up for Sunday School

You wondered what that deacon at church was saying in the Dr. Watt’s Hymn

You snuck and played your folk’s Moms Mabley, Red Fox, or Richard Pryor Albums

You remember the Ohio Players’ Album Cover for Fire

When the Isley Brothers,The Ojays, and Earth Wind and Fire were the order of the day

You fought your neighbor in the morning and you’ll were already playing together again by noon

You knew at exactly what time the street light went off (Note: This was the time to have been home by)

You had a Huffy Bike with the sharp reflectors that you didn’t want stolen

You always call Martin Luther King, Jr.- The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King

The one car in your family was either a Granada, Chevette,Nova, Century, Citation, Monte Carlo, or a Station Wagon

You stayed at church all day long on Sundays


Clothes Lines in the Backyards

Someone on Your Street having chickens

Tank Tops

Jelly Shoes

Cutoff Shorts

Chuck Taylor NBA Shoes

Neighbors Walking to the Store in Robes or Slippers

Someone calling their Grandmothers “Madear”

Someone calling their Grandfathers “Big Daddy”

Sears Catalogs

One Car to a House

Cars that didn’t move parked in the yard

Cooley High

Pam Grier

Huggy Bear


Player’s Balls

Fanning yourself at church with a funeral home fan of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Mahalia Jackson, or four little black girls

Manwhich Sandwhiches

Potted Meat Sandwhiches

Vienna Sausages

Canned Sardines


The Mack


You had a neighbor either with a Heart Shaped or Dollar Sign Shaped Gold Tooth

Calling your Cadillac a hog

The first time that you rode in a limo was at a funeral

You remember The Bump, The Slide, or The Funky Chicken

You call a slow dance a social

You owned a pair of Stacks

You remember the Jackson 5 Cartoon

You remember the Sylvers

You remember when Black Music was called Soul Music

You stayed up late with Don Cornelius every Saturday Night and then tryed to be Holy on Sunday Morning
You remember people saying even not(Such as-I didn’t even not say nothing to you)

Getting your hair curled for the girls

The Process hairdo


Putting Grease on instead of Lotion

Having neighbors that everyone called Junebug or Bookie

Getting a new outfit for July 4th

Petey Wheatstraw

Willie Dolemite

Cornbread, Earl, and Me

You watched Brian’s Song at school

Fighting over the last package of Kool-Aid

People circling each other should to shoulder for an hour before the fight started

Walter Hawkins

Your Choir sang Going Up Yonder, Long as I Got King Jesus, Take Me Back, Changed, Be Grateful, We’ve Come this Far by Faith, or Call Him Up at church

Vacation Bible School being the Bomb

Playing Hide and Go Seek for Hours

Artis Gilmore

Earl the Pearl Monroe

Gale Sayers
Walt Frazier


Saying God Kisses and the Devil Misses before eating some food that you dropped

Stay Soft Fro

Afro Sheen

Kiddie Kit

Calling the Car Electra 225-Deuce and a Quarter

Having 3 channels to watch

A Hangar on top of your television for better reception

Combs, Picks, and Rakes with the Black Power Fist showing
Calling high pants floods, or anklebeaters

Calling Cheap Tennis Shoes “Bobos” or “Buddies”

Getting a Bowl Cut at the Barber Shop

Having an Old Man at the Barber Shop that Wouldn’t Cut Your Hair Right

Tube Socks underneath your dress socks

Playing the dozens with no one getting shot

Making nun chucks out of sticks

Turning clothpins and sticks into imaginary weapons

Remembering the only weapons that a kid might have in that day would be an imaginary one
Getting a speech before you got a spanking

Extension Cords

Being hit with Flying Houseshoes

Saying it Loud-I’m Black and I’m Proud

Anita Ward of Ring My Bell Fame

The Hippest Trip in America

People Calling Themselves Mackdaddies

Player Player from the Himalayas

Men Wearing Fur Coats

Calling Each Other Brothers and Sisters

Your Favorite Show was Good Times

Micheal Jackson was completely ours

Black Exploitation Movies

Going to the Drivein to watch Cleopatra Brown

You got in trouble for saying Shaft was a bad ….. and you got in trouble for it

You thought Ron O’Neal was the coolest man in America

J. J. was your favorite African American visual artist

You looked for black people on The Andy Griffith Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, or The Brady Bunch

You used to play that’s my car

You took your ball home when someone didn’t pick you on their team, in other words if I don’t play nobody plays!

You played pickup and run and called it Hotball

You had a crush on Thelma on Good Times

You prayed for James to get a better job on Good Times

Flip Flops

The Mahalia Jackson Chicken Franchise

The Boogie Man

The Greasy Man

Wearing Hairnets All Day

Putting Batteries in the Icebox(Note-(Icebox)They were called this a while back in the hood

Thinking you were rich because you got the new Evil Knievel Toy, The Easy Bake Oven, or a BB Gun

Only seeing part of your family at funerals and weddings

The Hot Tamale Man

Black History Month


Preach Stephen.Com salutes Black History Month! Black History Month is celebrated every February in the USA. The Black or African American Story is the story of people who have exhibited resilience, grit, determination, and faith over the years. We have much in our heritage to celebrate, and we have many challenges that we have left to conquer. We salute the many who through their efforts and actions have given many African Americans a reason to celebrate Black History Month!

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Stephen F. Smith