When You Answer The Call of Greatness Expect To Lose Friends!

When You Answer The Call of Greatness Expect To Lose Friends! I know that anytime that God moves for you, it will involve the loss of some
friends! There will be some that aren’t prepared to go where God has
called you to go! Love Them, But Tell Them That Was Then, But This Is
Now! When greatness calls, and it involves the loss of some that you call
friends, will you answer that call? The great ones in The Holy Writ all chose to answer that call at the risk of losing friends!

Pastor Stephen F. Smith

One Response

  1. Hey when they gotta go they just gotta go. Usually what you gain is far better than what you lost. Sometimes you know that you are in danger when they try to come back to the new you and resurrect that old person. Let them go!!!! Embrace and Love the new level or even dimension that you are on.

    You Better Preach Stephen!!!!!!!

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