When It’s a Rainy Night in the Kingdom?

When It’s a Rainy Night in the Kingdom! I was thinking of the Brook Benton hit of yesteryear It’s a Rainy Night in Georgia. In one of the choruses of the song the lyrics say Lord I believe that it is raining all over the world. Now this song was never meant for those that choose to be upbeat 24/ 7, but this song had and has appeal those who have been through trying times. Could it be that there are not only raining nights in Georgia, Tennessee, California, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, or even Alaska, but could there be some rainy nights for those that have choose to be in the Kingdom of God?

Psalm 30 verse 5 states that His anger endureth for a moment and in his favor is life, weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning! Can I hold up this gospel train just for a second? How many of you have ever wondered just how many tears that you have shed since coming into the Kingdom? Is there some malevolent injustice afoot here when those who have accepted the call of a loving Heavenly Father have had to shed so many tears on so many mornings, noonday’s, and nights?

Dear Lord we love you so much, yet many of us have to confess that we didn’t know that signing up for the gospel team will expose some of us to so much pain. It is quite amazing that those of us that have decided to travel the road that is less traveled have to endure on so many occasions what others would deem as a literal Hell on Earth?” Why Oh Lord Why” has been the cry for so long of so many Christians. So many have wondered Lord When in the World will this pain ever stop? I know that the Holy Writ states that a morning of joy is coming, but how many of us have nearly grown weary of looking for that morning?

Lord I have the Kingdom clothes, the Kingdom shoes, and I get a Kingdom Word on a weekly basis, why in the name of everything that is Holy, am I exposed to so many Hellish situations? Lord when will things look up for me? My brother and my sister God has heard each one of these cries from us all! We do serve a God that might not send his delivering hands at the very moment that you seek it, but we do serve a God that knows just how much you can bear, a God that will always arrive before the buzzer of your game of life goes off! We even serve a God that will send his might deliverance sometimes after the final buzzer has seemed to have gone off in your life. Our God is a deliverer as no other!

When It is a Rainy Season of Weeping for many of us Kingdom Folk so many of the world are prone to ask, If Your God is So Good then why are you going through what you are going through? I humbly submit that your trials don’t define the extent of your relationship with God. In 2nd Corinthians 11 The Apostle Paul used his trials and not his accomplishments to certify his Apostleship. He instructed others that one that is truly called to the things of God wouldn’t enter each day expecting peaches and cream. Your are being tried on a routine basis because it is the way of the righteous.

When it seems that you have done all that one could possibly do, take hold of faith, patience, and endurance because we serve a God that will never let you or I down! Those Rainy Nights in the Kingdom will never last forever even though it may seem that they will! God has you on his mind, and his thoughts of you are off of the charts! You are called to greatness regardless of the trial that you are fighting currently!

It may hurt, but you just endure and hold on because God will send his Help your way! God has not forgotten you, and our Great God has you on his mind. When It’s a Rainy Night in the Kingdom, please my brother and my sister Hold On because Joy is Coming Your Way! It is my most sincere prayer that God will put his loving arms around you in a way that you have never felt before! Our God Reigns! Always remember that when there is a Rainy Night in the Kingdom!

Thank you Lord for giving me this Word! Preachers if you want to preach this one, go head! The Lord has freely given this to me! I pray that this note will help someone that is navigating some of the most treacherous waters that there has ever been! One day the Rain will go away. Hold on my fellow Saints!God has been so good to so many of us despite our current trial. We must stop defining our relationships with God by our current trial. Your going through trials have burst you into biblical company and a kinship of sorts with many in the Holy Writ! Those that were greatly used in the Holy Writ were usually greatly opposed!

Relentless in My Pursuit of Him,

Pastor Stephen F. Smith

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