Everyone’s News Isn’t the Believers News!

Everyone’s News Isn’t the Believers News! I am sure that the children of Israel didn’t read The Egypt Street Journal before their exodus from Egypt with great possessions! All news isn’t our news, while the news media forecasts more blight, that’s not the news for any believer that heeds the word of God! Whose report will you believe? I am going to believe the report of the Lord!

Pastor Stephen F. Smith

Lord Heal Us All of Silent Frustration!

Lord Heal Us All of Silent Frustration! I heard Bishop Jakes preach a message in the early 90’s called Silent Frustration. He used the older brother from the parable of The Prodigal Son as the basis for the message. He noted that for all of the mistakes that the prodigal son made, there was a brother that stayed at home, but while staying at home this brother was suffering from silent frustration. Are many in this day silently frustrated? While everyone thinks that things are peachy king with each of us, are we not wrestling with some of the most damnable things ever released from the pits of Hell?

While everyone in this day knows that we all floss, primp, and put on an act to appear strong to others, are we doing so while we are wrestling with silent frustrations? I remember that a few years back there was a horror movie that used the theme in space no one can hear your scream. Are many of us in the same state? While none may hear us scream, many of us are under mind bending attacks from the enemy. Why doesn’t anyone hear our scream?The ranks of those who are silently frustrated are so full in this challenging time where panic attacks, depression, and the prescription for drugs to treat depression are the order of the day and are at an all-time high.

God hasn’t designed any of us in his master plan to have to take uppers and downers just to make it through the day. While I am not against those who have to take medicine, since they have been clinically diagnosed with a mental condition, but  my desire is to reach out to those of us who may be one great mental struggle from being in that same state. God wants to work on your insides, and God wants to work on your private dilemma. You are not alone my brother and my sister. God can work in the inner crevices of your psyche. There is no situation or dilemma that our God can’t heal.Yes God can heal you of silent frustration! God can heal you of that thing that no other really knows that torments you.

It is my most sincere prayer that God delivers you from your private struggle, and it is my prayer that God will have a “public” blessing waiting on you! Stay encouraged! I had a brother that took his life many years back because many of his loved ones just didn’t realize that we was so silently frustrated! I am praying that no other has to go through what we did in this situation!

Relentless in My Pursuit of Him,
Pastor Stephen F.Smith