COGIC Elections 2007 and 2008!


What will come out of The COGIC Elections of 2007 and 2008? What surprises may come? Will we have a young General Board Member in 2008? If they make certain prominent young Pastors Bishops of Foreign Regions could they be elected to The General Board the first time around in 2008? We have a Presiding Bishop that is serving now that would have to win in both November 2007 and November 2008 to remain Presiding Bishop. Let’s pray because one could win this year and lose next year or vice versa. It’s praying time Saints!

3 Responses

  1. It seems to me that we are abusing the by-laws of the Church. We shouldn’t have an election in November 2007. Bishop Blake should remain the Interim Presiding Bishop of the Church of God In Christ until Election Year 2008. We are not following our own rules and regulations. We are constantly finding loop holes in our Constitution.

    This is not how an Organization is ran. It sends the message that we can change the rules if we don’t like the rules…..even though we wrote the rules.

    Also, there are some young, wise, experienced and anointed ministers in our Church that are ready to lead Jurisdictions to new levels of ministry. We should really consider retiring some of the Bishops that are not able to continue the functions of a Jurisdiction Bishop due to failing health, etc. There are successful ministries springing up all over the country and the world. People, now are following the ministries that minister to the Total Man with little concern of the denomination of the ministry.

    The Church of God In Christ has young men and women that have their hand on the pulse of the world as well as Christiandom. It is imperative that we develop and nurish and begin to transfer the leadership of the Church to these people. I believe that they will do us proud ad bring new exciting ministries and innovative business stategies to our.

  2. I totally agree with Randall Cook it doesnt make any sense to have an election in time of celebration of the 100th year of our great church. Bishop C.E. Blake is WELL QUALIFIED to lead the COGIC thats why the Late Bishop G.E. Patterson chose him as his First Assistant and if thats not enough look at Bishop Blakes track record. He has the largest church in the COGIC and when he took over Southern California 1st Jurisdiction after his father passed back in 1984 the jurisdiction was already large but under his leadership it increased from over one hundred churches to nearly 300 churches so that should let the saints and the other leaders of our church know that the church is in great hands and that Bishop Blake will take the COGIC to higher levels. I also agree that some of our Elderly Jrusidictional Bishops should be retired so that these younger men who are anointed and have been faithfully serving can have a chance to lead these jurisdictions into the next phase because they have a great vision for the church also

  3. Praise be to our Great God!

    I whole heartedly agree that Bishop Blake shouldn’t have been subjected to an election during our Centennial Celebration. However, he is running for Presiding Bishop in 2008 unopposed and that speak volumes. I hope that during future quadrennial elections that he runs unopposed. The “handwriting is on the wall” concerning the make-up of the GB. Those that have been there for years and seemingly entrenched in those positions may possibly be unseated. In addition, the sowers of the seed of discord will be dealt with accordingly. I appreciate how Bishop Blake has ignored his detractors and pushed on with the destiny that God has for him and the greatest Church in the world; the COGIC

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